Whether transporting raw materials to the industry or food to the stores, our society is solely dependent on freight shipping and would not be able to survive without it. While the industry is continuing to advance, there have been many technological advancements that will change the future of freight shipping, and that is what we will be looking at today.
Technology is changing logistics rapidly!
Internet of Things (IoT):
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the focal point when we talk about logistics. The Internet of Things increases the connectivity between different computer systems, and this results in the sharing of large amounts of data. Moreover, LTL carrier computer systems, warehouse management software, and distribution technologies are all improving day by day. This has a positive impact on their abilities to track truck locations, shipment routes, and product deliveries.
Logistic companies and warehouse managers benefit from IoT because of better transport transparency. If there is a problem like a truck breaking down, better-informed decisions can be reached to solve the problem. In a few years, these technologies will reach more LTL carriers and help them with efficient transportation.
Electronic Logging Devices:
Electronic logging devices would help a lot by increasing the safety of the trucker by log reporting without any error.
ELD sensors are attached to truck engines and record the driving time automatically. The software then forwards the recorded data to hours of service records (HOS) which gives LTL fleet companies immediate access to driver transportation logs. This data would then help LTL carriers to make better schedules and ensure that the drivers don’t get tired, which can cause accidents.
Self-driving trucks:
It is a tough job to find qualified LTL drivers. This has been an issue for many, many years. A solution is being worked on. Self-driving trucks are under test and may eventually become an excellent option for both long and short-haul jobs.
Eliminating a human driver from the equation might be a safe option as humans suffer from fatigue which can cause accidents. This will lower transportation costs and enable LTL carriers to expand in areas that were not feasible previously.
Many new technologies are being introduced to the freight-transportation industry. The freight-transportation industry is taking an innovative turn from excellent logistics tools to self-driving trucks. The future looks bright!