Defensive driving is a driving style that involves using multiple skills and techniques to help keep you and the others around you on the road safe. These techniques are essential because they make the road a safer place and because they can help reduce your fuel consumption and allow you to take better care of your vehicle. This driving style, all in all, optimizes efficiency and safety and puts much less strain on the car, making it the best driving style out there.
Best Defensive Driving Techniques
Be Mindful Of Your Speed
Speeding can be dangerous not just for your own vehicle but also for the people around you. You should stay within the speed limit and avoid going above it.
Focus On Driving
We often find ourselves trying to multitask while driving, but this is also one of the leading causes of car accidents. Hence, while you’re driving, be sure to remove any outside distractions and focus only on driving in order to minimize the possibility of any accidents happening.
Watch Your Surroundings Carefully
In order to be able to keep yourself safe at all times, you need to be able to predict what everyone on the road might do and then accordingly take measures to adopt the safest plan of action possible. This can only be done if you carefully monitor your surroundings.
Keep A Safe Distance
Maintain a distance from the other roads and vehicles on the road in case they decide to break or change routes abruptly.
Don’t Be In Any Vehicle’s Blind Spot.
Do not assume that all drivers on the road care about safety and will take measures to ensure it. It would be ideal if you never drove in any vehicles blind so in case they are careless and cause an accident.
Make Sure To Indicate When You Change Lanes
It is vital that you drive in your designated lane and avoid continuously changing lanes. When you do change lanes, make sure to signal so all the drivers behind you can see that you’re about to change lanes and avoid cutting you.
Prioritize Your Safety
One of the primary rules of defensive driving is to anticipate what everyone else on the road will do and then prioritize your safety without depending on others to give you the right of way.
- What are some of the benefits of defensive driving?
Aside from the main benefits of safety, better driving skills, and reduced driving risks, some of the less apparent benefits of defensive driving are that it can help you avoid any violation fines and tickets, save insurance costs, and lead to fewer maintenance costs. - What are the 4 A’s of defensive driving?
These are look around, look ahead, leave room, and communicate, known as the triple L-C principle.
Adopting these defensive driving techniques can change your life for the better and protect you from the multiple dangers that one faces on the road.
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